Tuesday, 8 January 2013


Happy new year 2013 to you reading this post.  Its an amazing year isn’t it? For me the year looks bright and I am just glad to have been granted the gift of life by the Almighty to see this new year. 2013. Did you know that 2013 is the year of Jubilee?? No, not the coalition (but it may be, who knows) but the year of Jubilee. Apparently 2013 is a Biblical year. Read Leviticus 25 to get more of that (I have not read it yet as well but I will do that. Ama someone to read it to me and tell me what it is about) anyway, I am happy to have seen the year 2013. I crossed the year with some psyche I tell you. Pomp and colour. I saw fireworks for the first time. Both literally, and figuratively. The best crossing over to the new year I have had in my 19 nearing 20 years of life.
Anyway, away with the pleasantries of the new year, let us get down to business. Today’s post is meant for men. So ladies you can log off and sign out at your own pleasure but if you are reading with a man, this is the moment for you to shut your eyes. Okay, okay. Jeez! I knew you wont go anywhere. These women of these days. I say its meant for men and here you are still reading this. Okay I now give up. You can read it then but don’t say I didn’t tell you to shut your eyes.
Today I ask the question: Are you man enough? Well, many people or rather many men, or should I say dudes or guys, ok many members of the male species have taken the wrong approach to being man enough. Many think being man enough is judged by the size of your phallus (Read: Penis, for those of us who were not fortunate enough to go to academies but instead went to primary school. I don’t even know whether I have spelt phallus correctly but anyway, its my blog. What I say, goes but I am open to correction). That’s but only one approach. Others think that being man enough is judged by the number of chics you have laid, or rather banged and a belief that is cropping up is that if you haven’t got laid by a certain age, you are a failure as a man and your manhood is referred to as a vestigial organ (yes, don’t act all shocked. I still remember my Biology) well, I think that this kind of thinking is, in my father’s words “Upuzi” and many guys get all kind of praise for the number of chics they have banged and the more the merrier and the more revered you are among your peers. Well, to be honest, this kind of thinking is, in polite terms, primitive.
I am not saying that I am not a victim of this kind of thinking, well I have never got laid or banged a chic if I must say, but as a guy, you get some kind of pride in the number of chics you are able to ‘ingiza box’ I mean, who doesn’t like it when a bevy of chics are all over you complimenting you and making you feel like Hercules? I am not against guys getting to know chics and having fun with them but there is a limit and this is especially for those who are tied down, you know, those who are in commitments and in relationships. When in a relationship, you must show how much of a man you are. A real man does not go about flirting with every Tatiana, Diana and Harriet ( the female version of Tom, Dick and Harry) while you have a girlfriend or wife. It just isn’t right. A real man doesn’t go about kissing every girl within an arms length of your lips (wait, does that even make sense) okay at an arms length. It is not right. A real man does not go grinding every chic he lays his eyes on in the club or on the dancefloor. A real man does not go about touching touching every woman on his way inappropriately, while at the time singing to Pliers Please Excuse My Hands. Keep your hands to yourself boy!!! A real man does not go about disrespecting women and looking down upon them all because you were ‘circumcised’. Circumcision doesn’t pay the bills boy! Circumcision is meant to make you a man, teach you how to treat women with respect, give them the affection they require and crave for, uplift the ladies, be responsible, be assertive, be innovative, be a helper to those around you. Circumcision is meant to teach you morals and not vices like spending the whole day in the village pub drinking then going home to demand food from your mother. You do not deserve to eat boy! You deserve a thorough beating. Circumcision is not meant for you to disrespecting women and treating them like objects and servants telling them that the kitchen is their place, that their only work is to feed you, clothe you, and give you babies. No mayne that’s not how to be a man.
The list is endless on what real men are not supposed to do. I believe that real men are not supposed to be banging every chic they lay their eyes on.
What has made me say all these today??? Well, I realized that I happen to be a victim of these false men. These men who are not supposed to be there. These men that we are trying to eradicate and our mothers and sisters are complaining so hard about. I may be in a relationship, in a commitment to a young fine beautiful lady but here I am, totally checking other chics out. Here I am, kissing other chics behind her back, and living with myself in the name of “What you don’t know wont hurt” and so I continue with these filthy and disgusting ways of life. Well, here is some newsflash for you. The Bible tells us that “What is done in the dark shall be brought to life” unfortunately right now I don’t remember exactly the portion of scripture that is from but if I remember I shall let you know. However, you should not be a real man just because you are threatened. You should strive to be a man who can be looked upon. Who guides his siblings. Who tells his sister(s) on what type of guys they should avoid and who is ready to punch the daylights of anyone who dares come within striking distance of his sister’s essentials. We should be the men who make our parents proud. The Bible, in Proverbs 10:1 says:
            “….A wise son brings joy to his father but a foolish son, heartache to the mother”
My fellow men, let us strive to be wise sons. Let us stand up and keep our ballz in check. They will not dissolve or go away if we don’t keep laying girls all over the place.
One thing we need to realize and I realized today is that, we cannot remain faithful and be real men by our own abilities and strengths. Many are the times I have thought that “Aaaah. I can resist the girls’ advances by myself” My brother you are deceiving yourself. This thing needs God’s help and hand to strengthen us. Look at the number of married men chasing after young girls in this country. Mpango wa kando has become a norm in the society all in the name of men saying “I have a business meeting” we have teachers hitting on their primary school pupils (I witnessed this in my primary school) and teachers in high school hitting on their students. You say you are not like that but you continue kissing that girl or those girls and none of them is your girlfriend, you continue flirting  with every chic you can talk to, you lead chics on and bang them left right and center, you go about cheating on your girlfriend. What makes you think that you are different from all those other men that ladies are complaining about. We are not different from those men. We just have to gird our loins and raise our standards.
I believe its not too late to make resolutions, it is still the first week of January and I, Daniel Kalya Kiptiony, being of sane and sound mind, do solemnly resolve, to being a real man. I hope you make the resolution too…….Ladies you can now open your eyes. Its all clear.
For feedback, you can email me at: Kalyadaniel@gmail.com