Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Finally......I am blogging (this is the moment where there is the victory trumpet sound). Its something I have always planned on doing but this thing called procrastination has been holding me back. Well, they say that procrastination is the mother of....well nobody. See what I did there? ( Ok I admit, I did nothing). Today however, I got some inspiration to start blogging. Well my friends have inspired me ( I tell you I have some talented friends) yes you Jackie, Ivy, Joan, Gachugo (though I dont understand a thing about anime) and of course Qikki who apparently has a disorder. Its called wanting to write (yes, I also know some medicine). These guyz have inspired me but today its something else that really made me come and start blogging and I thought I should share.
U see (hehe direct translation), I do this course known as Bachelor of Business Studies in Financial Economics and I tell you! My friend that thing is not easy. (Coming from me u better believe it). So today my pals and I were talking and I made a major discovery. Kumbe I am not alone in the fight. This BBS was or rather is troubling all of us. Well, one option is to cry about it and am afraid that is not an option for me. U see, my culture frowns upon men who cry.
The other option is to do according to this guy and give up

well, my parents will frown upon that greatly. U see, they taught me to rise above the challenges that I face. You cant keep running away from the troubles you face (Besides getting a retake is not a trouble btw) and I greatly love this course.
Now, the what we decided is that we should jengana. A great friend of mine keeps reminding me "Kalya maze! Hii degree ni harambee. Lazima tujengane" and that is a strong point you guyz. This thing you cannot claim to do it by urself. We must help each other in order to succeed. We are in this together. Its a struggle yo (twitter guyz will get that one).
We also realized that we need to talk to each other. This thing of dying by yourself, in as much as it seems manly, is not worth it. Talk to someone, trust someone and just talk your problems out ( At this point in time I shall emphasise I am straight) we should be accountable to each other tujengane tupite wote. Thats how we shall get to do well.
This does not only apply to school life. Even life 'out there' (where is this out there btw. Av heard of it since primary school) we need to talk to each other and help each other out. Even God in His word (This is where I become a preacher) tells us to be our brother's and dare I add sister's keeper. So, look around you. Look at where you want to be. Have a vision, gather your friends round and tell them of your vision and hopefully they wont Joseph you (a Biblical analogy) and together you push each other to the goal.
I leave you with a quote my great friend, one Andrew Kabucho, told me:
Do not bring your goals to the standard of your effort, but rather lift your efforts to the standard of your goal
And finally, other news, somebody today bought a good friend of his milk. Mark you this friend is a chic who had specifically asked for chocolate. Say what you may but I thought that to be out of the box thinking. ( Get it? Out of the box.....milk? Aaaarg I knew u wouldnt get it)


  1. ha ha ... nice one... only hope yu dont give up on blogging.. especially when bbs gets tough-er
