Well, over the weekend I went home. Home home in Nakuru county, Rongai Division, Kampi-Ya-Moto location, Kabarak village. I had gone to see my dentist (U see we usually have dates at least once every month...ok the politically correct word is appointment). While coming from the dentist's place heading to the stage to take a mat home, I noticed that there was a Pilsner sponsored gig dubbed 'King of Bold' taking place at Westside Mall or for those who may have trouble finding out where that is, at Nakumatt. (There is only one Nakumatt in Nakuru so if u still cant find it, I direct you to https://maps.google.com/ coz I cant see any other way of helping you out) Well this has been a series of shows held by Pilsner around the country apparently. That is perfectly fine. I have no problem with those guyz holding gigs and the like. My concern however came when I spotted Juliani among the list of perfomers. The others being Madtraxx, Abbas and some other perfoming artiste who I dont seem to remember (obviously, otherwise I would have stated his name). Does any of you raise any eyebrows seeing Juliani's name there ama its just okay and fine with you. Is there something wrong?
Yes. There is something terribly wrong with that. You see, Juliani is a gospel artiste (last time I checked). Though not every church accepts him as a gospel artiste mainly because of his dreads and the genre of his songs, he still is a gospel artiste judging from his songs and the messages sent out from his songs. This is a guy I respect and I am a fan of his. I mean breaking away from Ukoo Flani Mau Mau (If I am not wrong) to come and sing gospel. I tell you, that is no easy feat and Juliani should be lauded for that. That been said, I believe singing or doing gospel is a calling and when singing your songs, it should be ministering to people. This is where I have a problem with Juliani perfoming in the 'King of Bold' concert/tour/gig/whatever name you want to call it. You see, this is a gig sponsored by a company that manufactures alcohol (Yes, I dont believe in drinking alcohol). Well you may ask me, what if an alcoholic company decide to sponsor a gospel event? Are gospel musicians not supposed to sing there and minister there then? Well, in as much as that is highly unlikely, as long as the company does not sell any alcoholic drinks or anything related to alcohol, I have no problem with that. The main reason why I dont want anything alcoholic there is because we all know the effects of alcohol and judgement. Your judgement becomes impared (chics get hotter, guyz get courage you would never have imagined they ever had, and in most cases that is when 'accident' that, rather than causing damage, cause children happen) so alcohol in a gospel gig is a NO! NO! I know the point of "But Jesus turned water into wine" will be raised, but that will be a discussion for another day or blog.
Now how did I even get here? Oh yes, the event being sponsored by an alcoholic beverage company. Well now that we have got that settled, the other issue is who perfomed alongside Juliani in this gig? The answer is in paragraph one. Abbas, Madtraxx and the other fellow. All of whom are secular artistes mark you, not that I have any beef with them or anything. I know some of you liberal Christians have no problem with Juliani perfoming alongside these guyz with your "But he will still sing gospel" and your "its not as if he sang secular" I agree, he will still sing gospel but for what purpose? Surely you cant mean to tell me that Juliani is there to minister to tipsy fellaz as the continue indulging themselves with alcohol as the night fades away. There is no way you can convince me that ministry is the cause of him being there. I believe it is safe to say that Juliani asked "How much?" he was given his price and he was okay with perfoming. Keyword: PERFOMING. Which begs the question, is the gospel industry ministry or money? Evidently from that situation it was the money and not ministry.
Well, that was case one. Case two: for those of you guyz who had the priviledge of going to AFLEWO (Africa Lets Worship) concert that was in NPC Karen, you must have seen how The Voice sang. This group of five young men who are extremely talented in singing acappella and have released two albums. This guyz sang and blew us away. The following week on Sunday they came to the church where I worship, that is NPC-Valley road. They were just from singing in the main church and they had been invited to the youth church to sing there as well. I was very very excited to see them because, I am in a group where we sing acappella as well and anything good in acappella excites me and interests me. So seeing these guyz come in made me really really excited. I was beaming....No scratch that. I was glowing when I saw these guyz come in. Unfortunately, they came in as the preaching was going on so they had to wait till after the preaching so that they could get a chance to sing (ok not unfortunately coz the preaching is a very important part of the service but I hope you get my drift). So they sat down and waited. However, after 10 minutes they started leaving one by one. I was disappointed. I hoped that they were doing something shortly then they would comeback but how wrong I was. They didnt resurface much to my dismay. So after service I walked to my pastor and asked him "Maze pasi niaje unatuchokoza hivi. Kutuletea the Voice halafu wanatoka" them my pasi was like "Those guyz were impatient" and I took it at that. When I got out of the church, I spotted them. So I walked to them and I was like "Mbona mlitoka hivo mapema majameni?" (owh. I might have left out a tinney weeney piece of info that these guyz are from Dar-es-saalam Tanzania) and they were like "Tulikua twauza ma cd's zetu". That reply really disappointed me. You mean guyz left service, they left a chance to minister only to sell cd's. I mean had they sang, they would have got buyers from the youth service. But leaving service to sell cd's was not a good idea at all. And this again begs the question. The gospel industry: Ministry or money?
These are just but two of the many cases around. We have heard about gospel artistes demanding a certain amount of money before perfoming. Again the word perfoming rears it ugly head. Gospel artistes refusing to perfom for a certain group of people coz they arent in their league and the like....This is nothing but unfortunate.
Dont get me wrong though. I am not hating on these guyz at all coz they are using the talent that God has given them to reach out to His people. This is just but a reality check of sorts. A challenge to them to remember the calling that they have received and do their songs for ministry...to reach out to the world from the bottom of their heart. To keep this song in mind
Am now off to see what I can salvage from the thriller that is the 'el-classico'. Have a blessed week ahead y'all.